So Organic Biotech Enterprise Ltd

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  • So Organic Biotech Enterprise Ltd
  • Love Earth, Love People, Love Pets
    SOBE Green, SoBe Organic

SOBE 全天然寵物益生菌營養素

SOBE 100%全天然寵物益生菌 /


$536/180克 罐


1. 本產品是由多於50種複合益生菌群,十多種酵素及大豆蛋白,天然魚粉,天然海藻粉,水解甲殼素等益生元及營養素配方,透過生物科技發酵配製而成的貓狗全天然營養補充品。
2. 能促進寵物腸胃道內食物分解及營養吸收。
3. 可化解體內毒素,促進新陳代謝,增加寵物活動力,減低過胖、糖尿病、心血管疾病的危機。
4. 補充腸道有益微生物菌群,改善腸道健康及糞便排泄,抑制病害菌的繁殖,防禦寵物腹瀉。
5. 增強寵物自身抗病免疫力。
6. 調節免疫系統,減少發炎和過敏反應,促進毛髮健康生長。
7. 有效益生菌群: 枯草桿菌、納豆菌、乳酸菌、酵母菌、米麴菌等。
8. 益生菌群總量: 2 x 109 CFU/克。
9. 分析成分: 粗蛋白32%,粗脂肪1.5%,粗纖維 4%,礦物質 10%。
10.建議每日食用量 (克/天):
體重: 貓及小犬 <15公斤; 中犬 15-30公斤; 大犬 >30公斤
每天用量: 2克 4克 6克



SOBE 100%全天然寵物益生菌 /


$268/60 盒


1. 成份及成效與 SOBE 100%全天然寵物益生菌 - 貓/狗180克相同。
2. 本產品獨立包裝成2克小包裝, 方便每天食用。
3. 建議每日食用量:
貓 或小型犬 (<15公斤): 1小包 (2克)
中型犬 (15-30公斤): 2小包 (4克)
大型犬 (>30公斤): 3小包 (6克)


60克/盒 (30小包一盒)

Mr. Kan

The Long Valley Ecopadgy’s rice fields (in Sheung Shui, HK) use SOBE Biological Organic (EM) Fertilizers to grow rice. Officer Mr. Kan claims that after using SOBE fertilizers for one week, the result is obvious in the way that the leaves grows in sharp green colour. This indicates that the leaves contain more chlorophyll to provide more nutrients for the rice to grow. They have a good harvest as the rice grows bigger in size compared to those using ordinary organic fertilizers!

SOBE organic fertilizer provided the best nutrients to the soil & the crops ...

In return, Mother Nature gives us the best quality rice as our harvest!

Mr. Man Yim

Mr. Man Yim grows Calamondin and Madagascar Periwinkle outside his company, (in Sai Kung, HK) Hoi Wang Properties Co. Ltd. He comments that after using SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS on his plants, the Calamondin bears lots of fruits while the Madagascar Periwinkle grows lots of bright hot pink colour flowers!

Ms. Sarah Byrne

Ms. Sarah Byrne uses SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS to grow Sunflowers in her garden in London, UK. The Sunflowers grow higher than her 6 years old daughter, Ffion, with a huge bright blossom! The sunflowers have lots of seeds. Mrs. Byrne and Ffion have taken the seeds out from one of the sunflowers to prepare some bird food for winter & with big thanks to SOBE’s super organic fertilizer!

Mrs. Byrne posted this on her FaceBook on Jul 2, 2015

Ffion and her father next to the huge Sunflowers

Ms. Choi

Ms. Choi uses SOBE Premium Organic Fertilizer GARDENINGS to grow Epiphyllum Oxypetalum. The result is amazing that it blooms 5 beautiful flowers in one night!

Ms. Josephine Chan

Ms. Josephine Chan, an expert in Soil Food Web, Composting and a gardening consultant of a primary school at Tai Po (Plover Cove Road), shows us the happy faces of the students and teachers behind the wonderful eggplants which is resulted from the usage of SOBE Bio-liquid fertilizers!

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